Testing 14 Different Face Masks
Researchers from Duke University studied 14 different masks by measuring filtration of expelled droplets during speech. The researchers offer a "simple optical measurement method" that is both "inexpensive and can be built and operated by non-experts". [READ @ advances.sciencemag.org] Low-Cost Measurement of Face Mask Efficacy for Filtering Expelled Droplets During Speech BEST MASKS Top-Tier: "Fitted N95- 14 " and "Surgical- 1 " 2nd-Tier: "Poly/cotton- 5 " and "PolyProp- 4 " 3rd-Tier: "Cotton5- 13 " and "Cotton2- 7 " WORST MASKS Bottom-Tier: "Neck Gaiter- 11 " 2nd-Bottom-Tier: "None" 3rd-Bottom-Tier: "Bandana- 12 "